When did remaining silent help?
[Wann hat schweigen geholfen?]
All started in 2014 with a little note book and a pen which she always carries with her so that any thought, idea or other creative impulse can be caught on paper.
A Line a day.
Inspired by Erich Fried who writes in his novel ‘Mitunter sogar Lachen’ that he never wants to live a day in his life any more without writing at least one line, Timna decided to follow this attitude.
© G.A.P. - Glurns Art Point Glorenza
‘Bitte, Kein Hirn!’
In 2015 Timna wrote her first solo theatre performance ‘Bitte kein Hirn!’ which she performed at G.A.P, Italy.
This performance expresses the conflict of a over-thinking person. ‘I do not want a brain!’, cries the protagonist. She does not wish to be anything more than stupid to escape her own thoughts. Thoughts that make her visibly insecure and finally confuse her mind.
In 2016 Timna wrote ‘Liebesschritte’ - a play which throws light on the subject of love from different perspectives. This performance shows little disasters and reflects about all sorts of questions about love.
‘Mind the Gap’
In 2017 Timna wrote her first comedy with Philipp Klakl. ‘Mind the Gap’ was performed by the ‘Theater der Träume’. This comedy plays in the Viennese tube where people who don’t know each other travel together. In the moment when the tube breaks down the group of strangers is locked in. While getting to know each other - different realties clash. The situation gets more and more absurd and seems to escalate. There is no doubt any more: They all have to get out to find a way to the surface.